Monday, January 12, 2015

Life Reckoned!

Last year, 2014 I had a blast! Havin my baby is the most exciting thing I have everyday. You know, having her on your thoughts makes you excited to go home and see her smile. Most importantly during the time, when she first called "Mama" was so sweet to my ears. And each day I've lived to face the truth and embrace it - I am now a Mother. Thank you God for this.

It was during the days when "my Mama" was still here. I used to think that maybe this is not for me. But I have been given such a huge blessing, and now it allows me to change everyday. My attitude, my temper, my beliefs, ideals and dreams - they are now coming in full circle of realization that God's love  thru this blessing enables me to see who I am and How He truly loves me.

I used to believe that Life is unfair, or so others think. Apparently, even without the argument, life has its own magnitude. It's in the way you handle it. 

No matter what life gives you, you just have to face it.

As to having this blessing, Life is more than enough to thank God. Because of life, I am alive and I am living that love He gives me.